Are you having enough sex ?

Ever felt like you're not having enough sex ? Or maybe you feel like you're overly active? Studies show that the average American has sex about 86 times per year, far behind Brazilians who average 145 times, or the French, who average 137 times per year. So what is it that makes us a low contender on the global love making scale?

Maybe it’s the American work ethic that is draining energy and desire? Or maybe it’s our prudish beliefs that keep us more inhibited than other countries? …Or could it be the alarming rate at which STDs are spreading in the US? There are so many ways in which this could be answered that we’d be here all day trying to figure it out. However, these stats did spark my interest in the average sexual activity of American women.
Check out these facts from the Kinsley Institue about the average American woman’s sex frequency.

Ages 18-29 average 112 sexual episodes per year
Ages 30-39 have sex an average of 86 times per year
Ages 40-49 average 69 sexual romps per year

Non-Married Women
32% reported they have not had sex in the past year
23% said only a few times over the past year
15% report 2-3 times a week
5% say 4 or more times a week

Married Women
3% report they have not had sex in the past year
12% only a few times in the past year
47% a few times in the last month
32% at least 2-3 times per week
7% more than 4 times a week

Remember ….no matter what the frequency of your sexual encounters are, please make sure it’s with a trusted partner, and that you are protecting yourself.

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